Fossil Creek Watershed and Riparian Restoration Project
Fossil Creek Watershed Project:



Baseline Conditions

Long-Term Plan

Participatory Meetings

Facility Decommissioning

Management Recommendations

Fossil Creek Info

Native Fish Restoration






Fossil Creek Watershed
and Riparian Restoration


For historic photos of Fossil Creek, go to:
Childs-Irving Photo Exhibit, Fossil Creek Arizona


Fossil Creek

A spring at Fossil Creek (Ian Reed, USFS)

Fossil Creek

Travertine in Fossil Creek (2004) (Charles Schlinger, NAU)

Fossil Creek

Travertine in Fossil Creek (2004) (Charles Schlinger, NAU)

Fossil Creek

Fossil Springs Diversion Dam (2004) (Charles Schlinger, NAU)

Fossil Creek

Flume above Irving (2004) (Charles Schlinger)

Native Fish

Desert sucker in hand (Shaula Hedwall, USFWS)

Native Fish

Longfin dace in hand (USFS)

Native Fish

Longfin dace (Marty Jakle)

Native Fish

Sonora sucker (Ian Reed, USFS)

Native Fish

Speckled dace (John Rinne)

Native Fish

Roundtail chub (John Rinne)

Non-native Fish

Green sunfish (Jeff Humphrey, USFWS)

Non-native Fish

Smallmouth bass (G.B. Steinhart, Oregon State University)

Native Fish Restoration Project (fall 2004)

Electroshocking at Fossil Creek (Ian Reed, USFS)

Native Fish Restoration Project (fall 2004)

Hoop net used to capture fish

Native Fish Restoration Project (fall 2004)

Completed fish barrier (Bureau of Reclamation)

Native Fish Restoration Project (fall 2004)

Livecars (held native fish until removed from Fossil Creek to holding tanks) Ian Reed, USFS)

Fish Research

NAU researchers completing fish surveys (snorkeling) at Fossil Creek (NAU)

Fish Research

NAU researchers sampling fish at Fossil Creek (electroshocking) (NAU)

Baseline Conditions
Long-Term Plan
Participatory Meetings
Facility Decommissioning
Management Recommendations
Fossil Creek Info
Native Fish Restoration



Watershed Research & Education Program
Center for Sustainable Environments
Northern Arizona University
PO Box 5765
Flagstaff, AZ 86011-5765