Fossil Creek Watershed and Riparian Restoration Project
Fossil Creek Watershed Project:


NAU Watershed Restoration: An Overview

Baseline Conditions

Long-Term Monitoring Plan

Participatory Meetings

Facility Decommissioning

Management Recommendations

Forest Service Fossil Creek Info

Native Fish Restoration






Fossil Creek Watershed
and Riparian Restoration

Decommissioning of the Childs-Irving Hydroelectric Facility

The flume above Irving, 2004 (Charlie Schlinger, NAU)

The Childs and Irving power plants were decommissioned and full flows were restored to Fossil Creek on June 18, 2005.  Deconstruction of the facilities has started and will continue through June 30, 2010.

For details on the deconstruction process, see the
Childs-Irving Decommissioning Website:

Childs-Irving Hydroelectric Project Quarterly Construction Reports:
December 2005

First Quarter 2006
June 2006
December 2006
December 2006 APS Request for Extension

View the Order Approving Surrender of License and Removal of Project Works, Childs Irving Project (FERC, October 8, 2004)
Word document (181 KB)
PDF (154 KB)

Final Environmental Assessment for Surrender of License, Childs Irving Project (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, March 2004) PDF (369 KB)

Below is the Arizona Public Service (APS) Company's fact sheet from 2004:

(Note that some of the information presented below in the Key Upcoming Events section is outdated)


Childs Power Plant - Built 1909 with a maximum output of 5.4MW from 3 generators; currently operates at a maximum output of 2.8 MW from 2 generators; located approximately 18 miles “down flume” from Fossil Springs

Irving Power Plant - Built 1915 with a maximum output of 1.6MW from 1 generator; currently operates at a maximum output of 1.4MW from its 1 generator; located approximately 4-1/4 miles “down stream” of Fossil Springs

Both plants currently operate with 9 employees.

Why Decommission?

  • Decommissioning provides a unique opportunity to return 14 miles of stream to its original condition.
  • APS believes the environmental benefits of closing the plants outweigh the business impact.

Fossil Springs Water Supply

  • Fossil Springs’ entire flow of approximately 42cfs will be returned to the natural Fossil Creek channel no later than December 31, 2004.
  • APS currently holds “non-consumptive” rights to Fossil Springs water flow.
  • Water right will be assigned to US Forest Service and changed to an in stream flow water right.

Relicensing / Decommissioning Activities

  • 1992 – APS begins process for relicensing of plants through the Federal Energy Regulating Commission (FERC).
  • 1992 - 1998 – Relicensing process continues. Several environmental groups intervene in the FERC process (American Rivers, Center for Biological Diversity, Yavapai/Apache Nation).
  • 1998 –1999 – FERC prepared to license Childs-Irving Hydroelectric Project, APS begins talks with "intervenors" on possible decommissioning.
  • 1999 – APS, American Rivers, Center for Biological Diversity, Northern Arizona Audubon Society, The Nature Conservancy, and The Sierra Club – Grand Canyon Chapter sign Agreement in Principle that commits APS to return full flows to Fossil Creek on December 31, 2004.
  • 2000 – Negotiations and public meetings for the drafting of a comprehensive settlement agreement. Agreement reached and signed on September 11, 2000.
  •  2001 – April of 2001, APS files formal Application for Surrender of the Childs Irving Hydroelectric Project with FERC.
  •  2001 – 2002 – APS and various agencies work to provide background for the development of the Environmental Assessment and Historic Properties Management Plan. (National Environmental Protection Act, NEPA process).
  •  April 2003 – APS submits first draft Historic Properties Management Plan (National Historic Properties Act, NHPA Section 106 review process).
  • June 2003 – FERC submits draft Environmental Assessment based largely on terms of the Settlement Agreement.

Ongoing Activities

  • FERC continues to finalize Environmental Assessment with supporting documentation from APS and other agencies.
  •  APS and agencies (USFS, SHPO, Yavapai/Apache Nation, Pine Strawberry Historical Society) finalize Historic Properties Management Plan.
  • APS is meeting with community and historical leadership on the decommissioning process.

Key Upcoming Dates

October, 2003 – APS submits final Historic Properties Management Plan
February, 2004 – Submittal of final Environmental Assessment by FERC
Summer 2004 – Decision on Surrender Application by FERC
Fall 2004 –Deconstruction begins
December 31, 2004 – Return of full flows to Fossil Creek (Note: this action was delayed until June 18, 2005)
2005 – 2009 – Deconstruction of facilities

No later than December 31, 2009 – APS turns over land and remaining facilities to the USFS.


NAU Watershed Restoration: An Overview
Baseline Conditions
Long-Term Monitoring Plan
Participatory Meetings
Management Recommendations
Forest Service Fossil Creek Info
Native Fish Restoration



Watershed Research & Education Program
Center for Sustainable Environments
Northern Arizona University
PO Box 5765
Flagstaff, AZ 86011-5765